Don’t we all want to step out of our comfort zone , get rid of our fears and our stress that always make us feel that we cannot reach our goals no matter what ? Finally being able to speak in public , manage our time better , plan our life better and set our ways to success ? That’s why events such as the you2.0 exist ,to push you toward being the best version of yourself .
You2.0 is a self-development training organized by AIESEC in BABEZ that will be held in In-Tuition School in its third edition , where during four days , delegates will live a life changing experience around the theme of « Be your own Hero » .
Workshops, talks, activities, and a lot of sharing will be on the menu ; Students from all over Algeria will gather together, share ,impact, meet new people and most of all take the first step of a new journey in their lives .
YOU TOO can take that first step toward the world and see what happens . A unique chance to realize and fulfil your true Potential , and start working on becoming the Hero of your own story.
Take that leap of faith and start living Your legacy !