Séminaire LCSI-ESI avec le Pr. Mohand Boughanem 

ESI > Articles > Séminaire LCSI-ESI avec le Pr. Mohand Boughanem 

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Dans la continuité du programme des  séminaires organisés par le LCSI-ESI, nous avons le plaisir  de recevoir Pr. Mohand Boughanem du Laboratoire IRIT (Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse, France) pour nous parler de « Social Media Search and Mining« . 

Notre invité présentera à cette occasion plusieurs thématiques se rapportant aux  réseaux sociaux dont celle de L’ « Opinion Mining and Viewpoint Discovery » (Voir affiche attachée au mail) . 

Le séminaire aura lieu le 30 Avril 2018 à 10h00 à la salle DPGR

J’invite les personnes interessées par ce séminaire  à renseigner  ce formulaire.

Opinion Mining and Viewpoint Discovery
Professor at the University of Toulouse III
[email protected]
This talk is about opinion mining, it will first give a brief overview of opinion mining approaches
and then it will focus on viewpoint discovery. The challenge is how to automatically discover from
opinionated texts, viewpoints and the topics (themes) that are discussed in these viewpoints. After a brief overview of this research topic, we will describe deeply our proposal, an unsupervised Topic Model designed to jointly discover these three features, namely viewpoints, topics, and opinions. The model has been first designed to discover these features from text, it has been then extended to consider social data composed of both content and social interactions to handle this task. Some new investigations in this topic will be also discussed.

10H00 -12H00
13H00- 15H00


Talk and discussion
Internal Lab meeting

Mohand Boughanem is a Professor at the University of Toulouse III. He received his PhD from university of Toulouse in 1992.
He was responsible of the Indexing and Information retrieval theme at IRIT. His current research focuses on IR (Information Retrieval) models, Contextual/personalized/Social based IR, aggregated search, Opinion mining. He has been involved in a number of projects and working groups
on IR, and he has regularly participated in major IR evaluation forums (TREC, CLEF, INEX). He has served as a program committee member or chairman of the major IR conferences. He has been invited as a reviewer by several related-IR journals (IR journal, IP&M, JASIST, ACM-Tran. On the Web, ACM TOIS)). He founded ARIA (the French Association of Information Retrieval) and CORIA (the annual French conference in information retrieval), both were founded in 2004. He chaired ARIA during 2004-2007. He is coordinator of the French-Brazilian working group on web science. He published more than 100 papers in international conferences and journals and he advised more than 25 Phd thesis.

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